Friday 19 August 2011

Save wrong line bash

A simple thing to do when you realize you just typed the wrong line is hit Ctrl+C; if you want to keep the line, but need to execute something else first, begin a new line with a back slash - \, then Ctrl+C. The line will remain in your history.

Latex Dashes

Hyphen: daughter-in-law, X-rated\\
En dash: pages 13--67\\
Em dash: yes---or no? \\
Minus sign: $0$, $1$ and $-1$

Bash trim filename

However, buried in there is a section on Parameter Substitution which tells us that $foo is really a shorthand for ${foo} which is really the simplest case of several ${foo:operators} and similar constructs.

    We can use these expressions:
    path = ${foo%/*}
    To get: /tmp/my.dir (like dirname)
    file = ${foo##*/}
    To get: filename.tar.gz (like basename)
    base = ${file%%.*}
    To get: filename
    ext = ${file#*.}
    To get: tar.gz

    Trim the shortest match from the end
    Trim the longest match from the beginning
    Trim the longest match from the end
    Trim the shortest match from the beginning